Warwick Wakefield commented on 2018-12-21 05:06

This is a superb piece. And it shows its true colours right at the beginning by condemning the ridiculous about-face performed by the government when Pauline Hansen's "It's OK to be white" motion was (article 622853-11525)

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This is a superb piece.

And it shows its true colours right at the beginning by condemning the ridiculous about-face performed by the government when Pauline Hansen's "It's OK to be white" motion was presented to the Senate.

How sad that the ABC provides a safe home to the worst of the pro Identity Politics warriors.

I think that a good example of this was the recent piece run by the ABC about the Cronulla riots. This was portrayed as nothing more than white Australia's hatred of Lebanese Muslims.

There was no mention of the recurring abuse that these young Middle Estern thugs had directed to young Australian girls on the beach, strolling up and down the beaches and saying to the girls in beachwear, "You're a disgusting slut, you have no decency at all; you're a filthy bitch."

Nor was there any mention, on this ABC program, that when a life saver on beach patrol approached some of these foul-mouthed young men and told them that they couldn't behave like that on a public beach, the result was that a large group of Lebanese Muslims came to the beach a week later and bashed a life saver.

A life saver! Life savers don't get paid. They give their time and efforts voluntarily to patrol the beaches and protect the public. And they bashed a life saver.

If they had attacked a copper, well, coppers are prepared for this kind of thing, they have guns they can use to defend themselves, and they know when they join up that this is a par for the course, but a life-saver?

No emphasis was given to this by the ABC program.

Disgusting prejudice.
J'Accuse Identity Politics
Identity Politics is racist
Warwick Wakefield commented on 2018-12-21 05:06
Andrew Tulloch commented on 2018-11-23 09:42
James Burford commented on 2018-11-28 06:09
Merril Worrad commented on 2018-11-23 00:59
Noel Rath commented on 2018-11-23 05:50
Peter Consandine commented on 2018-11-23 01:06
Peter Crawford commented on 2018-11-24 06:43
Sarah Shrubb commented on 2019-01-31 01:48
Victor Emmanuel commented on 2018-11-30 06:50
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