Yvette Gilroy commented on 2018-11-21 06:16

Such a welcome initiative. I will look forward to the proposed series of essays and making contributions where possible. There is clearly a significant correlation between the parallel rises of secu (article 620873-11419)

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Such a welcome initiative. I will look forward to the proposed series of essays and making contributions where possible.

There is clearly a significant correlation between the parallel rises of secularism and identity politics. So much of identity politics appears to deny human nature. The wisdom of most religions is in their recognition and acceptance of the "crooked timber" nature of humanity, and their various proscriptions against this inevitable tendency.

The trivialisation, and arrogant dismissal of religious institutions denies our psychological and social need for religion. Identity politics is emerging as the new religion of our secular age. The priests and ministers of this new faith are the post- modern relativist academics that have now dominated humanities faculties for decades. These mostly Marxist "scholars" have promulgated a utopian belief in the perfectibility of humanity. They and their misguided alumni are the self appointed moral arbiters of our age. The path they are collectively paving to Hell is full of the most self-righteous good intentions. No humble self examination like "first remove the plank from thine own eye before criticising the splinter in thy neighbour's".

The whole divisive debate is redolent of religious zeal. It needs to be dragged censoriously into the light.
J'Accuse Identity Politics
Yvette Gilroy commented on 2018-11-21 06:16
Arnd Liebenberg commented on 2018-11-22 04:48
Peter Baldwin commented on 2018-11-23 07:19
Identity Politics is racist
Identity Politics is the enemy of free speech
Identity politics harms the oppressed
Identity politics is profoundly reactionary
Identity politics threatens civilization as we know it
The insanity of universal humanism
Andrew Tulloch commented on 2018-11-21 00:53
Arnd Liebenberg commented on 2018-11-22 04:33
JOHN OVERALL commented on 2018-11-21 07:00
Peter Crawford commented on 2018-11-21 05:35
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